Using the steps below you should be able to quickly install Node.js on your server, and begin testing commands directly on the server via the interpreter, or begin writing applications to run.
yum list installed | egrep "openssl-devel|python26|python27|gcc-c++"
You might get output back like this:
gcc-c++.x86_64 4.4.7-3.el6 @base
openssl-devel.x86_64 1.0.0-27.el6_4.2 @updates
On this particular server, we already have our gcc-c++ compiler, and the openssl-devel package installed. So we just need to install Python 2.6, or verifiy if it's already on the server and not installed viayum.
If you're on a newer VPS or dedicated server you should be running CentOS 6.x, you can confirm this by running the following command:
cat /etc/redhat-release
Which should return:
CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
Older servers would instead return something like:
CentOS release 5.9 (Final)
Now check your Python version with this command:
python --version
You should get back something like:
Python 2.6.6
If you're on an older server, and your Python version is older than 2.6, run the following command to install Python 2.6:
yum install python26
If either the gcc-c++ compiler, or the openssl-devel package were also missing when you checked, you'd run one of the following to install those dependencies:
yum install gcc-c++
yum install openssl-devel
cd /usr/local/src
tar zxvf node-latest.tar.gz
cd node-v*
python2.6 configure
make PYTHON=python2.6
make install
Upon a successful installation, the last few lines should look like this:
installing /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/scripts/
symlinking ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js -> /usr/local/bin/npm
updating shebang of /usr/local/bin/npm to /usr/local/bin/node
root@server [~]# node
> a = 3;
> b = 2;
> a + b;
(^C again to quit)
You should now have a successful installation of Node.js running, and in further guides we'll go more in-depth with some of the amazing things you can do with Node.js!